In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the internet domain is:

  • Social reason: Euskararen Gizarte Erakundeen Kontseilua
  • N.I.F. : G20620217
  • Address: Martin Ugalde Kultur Parkea, 20140 Andoain (Gipuzkoa)
  • Phone: 943 59 12 00
  • Email:
  • Registered under number AS/G/07267/1998 in the Register of Associations of the Basque Country

The objective of the Euskararen Gizarte Erakundeen Kontseilua (hereinafter, the “Kontseilua” or the “Controller”) is to speed up the normalization processes of the Basque Country.


  1. General conditions is a website owned by Kontseilua. Access to it will be voluntary and access will be free of charge. Browsing this website implies the knowledge and acceptance by the user of their legal notices, conditions of use and privacy policy. If the user does not accept this privacy policy, cookie policy and terms of use, and therefore does not accept it, he will not be able to browse this website.

Access to this website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the person performing it. In this way, the user undertakes to use the information according to the purpose of the website. The user will not, therefore, be able to make illegitimate use of the information contained on this website. In no case shall it be able to carry out actions that harm the computer systems of the website.

Users may not include or notify false or inaccurate content that may mislead the Data Controller or that may mislead other users or third parties. The user will therefore be solely responsible for the damages he or she may cause with the data he or she provides. Personal data of third parties cannot be used without your consent. The use of third-party identification data is also prohibited in order to place it in the place of another person or entity.

The Data Controller makes every effort to avoid errors in the contents published on the website. It therefore reserves the right to amend them at any time. Kontseilua expressly declines any liability for errors or omissions in the contents of this website and for damages that may be due to the lack of truthfulness, accuracy and timeliness of the same.

Administrative information provided via the Internet does not replace administrative acts to be formally published in laws, regulations, official provisions and official bulletins.

The information available on this website should be understood as a guide without purpose of legal validity. In the event of a discrepancy between the information declared official and the information published on the website, the official is the only one that has legal validity.

This website may include links to other websites. The Data Controller is not responsible for the content of any of the linked sites, as it is not responsible for them or for the contents, products and services offered therein. The purpose of these services is precisely to inform users of the existence of other sources of information, so that access to said content will be carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility, under the terms and conditions regulated therein.

The Data Controller shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may result from the use of this website or its contents, including computer damage and the introduction of viruses or any type of malware. Kontseilua does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website, introduced by third parties, that may cause alterations in the physical or logical systems of users, but uses all means at its disposal to ensure that this does not happen.

Kontseilua reserves the right to modify or delete at any time, without prior notice and/or justification, the design, configuration and information contained on this website, if it deems it appropriate. The Data Controller is not responsible for the harm that these changes may cause. However, it will use all means at its disposal to inform users of these changes.


  1. Subscriptions

Access to this website does not necessarily imply the transfer of personal data. In any case, to use some of the services offered (e.g. to receive the newsletter) it is necessary to provide data. In order for the service to be satisfactory, it is essential that the user provides a series of personal data.

The user undertakes to provide true, accurate and complete data, both in the initial relationship and in the subsequent practice of notifications. It shall also be responsible for communicating any changes to them.

If the fields marked as mandatory in the questionnaires are deserted, Kontseilua may not comply with the user’s request.

Membership of certain Kontseilua services implies acceptance by the user of Kontseilua’s general conditions and privacy policy. Furthermore, on the basis of the legitimate interest of Kontseilua and on the basis of the reasonable expectations of the person concerned, Kontseilua shall send by post and by electronic means commercial communications on its products and services or on the products and services of other undertakings with which the trade agreement has been concluded. The user may at any time exercise his right to object to this processing.

Users may voluntarily request subscription to newsletters. In any case, users may at any time request the cancellation of this service. To that end, they shall send a letter to Kontseilua or may use any other means established by the Institute for that purpose.


  1. Intellectual and industrial property

All contents disseminated through the website will be licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Creative Commons International (CC BY-NC) license. Under this consent setting, the User is allowed to create derivative content, provided that it is not given a commercial use. Kontseilua also imposes an obligation not to use the original content for commercial purposes. Therefore, the User can only share the content that Kontseilua places on the Internet in the same way as the author. However, it should be noted that all types of licenses under Creative Commons include the condition of recognition or that which describes the nature of the public content of This means that the User must inform the author in the use of these contents.

Content licences originate in intellectual property. Therefore, the use of licences does not imply a renunciation of ownership. Please read carefully the rest of the intellectual property specifications set out in these legal notices.


  1. Correct use of the website and services

The user undertakes to use the web and the services that can be accessed through it without incurring in activities that can be considered illegal or illegal, as well as not to violate the rights of Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua or of third parties. Neither may it object to these conditions of use or to existing legislation or permitted uses. In particular, for information purposes, the User refrains from performing the following activities:

  • Destroy, alter, disable or in any other way destroy the electronic documents or data of Kontseilua, of the social entities of the Basque Country or of third parties.
  • Hinder the access of other users to the website or its services, through the massive use of the computer media at their disposal, and to carry out activities that may cause problems or failures in such systems.
  • Sending messages or SMS by post or email in a very high number or for commercial or advertising purposes without the consent of the recipient.
  • Attempt to modify, copy, read or remove email messages from other users or intercept them on the way.
  • Use the system to try to access restricted areas of Kontseilua’s computer system, or those of third parties, for information.
  • Try to increase the benefits of a user in the system.
  • Introduce by any means programmes into the computer systems of Kontseilua, of the social entities of the Basque Country or of third parties that can generate any kind of transformation.
  • Fraudulent replacement of another user or of Kontseilua itself or of third parties.
  • Promote or promote actions contrary to law, morality or public order through the website.
  • Promote or promote through the website ideas or discriminatory actions based on race, sex, sexuality, ideology, religion or belief.
  • Acceptance, provision or integration into the system of services or products contrary to law, morality or public order.
  • Infringe the intellectual or industrial property rights of Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua, of the social entities of the Basque Country or of third parties.
  • Violation of the right to confidentiality in third party information.
  • Violate the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized in the Constitution, the International Treaties and other legislation.


  1. Amendments

These conditions may be modified when the Data Controller deems it appropriate, either in order to adapt to legislative changes or in order to make other improvements. These changes will be in force from the time of publication on this website. The Data Controller shall use the means at his disposal to inform users of any changes that may occur.


  1. Jurisdiction

The relations established between Kontseilua and the user shall be governed by the provisions of the current rules on the applicable law and the competent jurisdiction. However, in the event that the rules provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a court, Kontseilua and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Donostia-San Sebastián.

In the event that the user does not comply with these requirements or misuse the content included on the website, the Data Controller undertakes to take civil and criminal measures, including economic ones, which the law requires him to punish such non-compliance.