ResponsibleEuskararen Gizarte Erakundeen Kontseilua (G20620217)  
ObjectivesTo manage the normalization processes of the Basque Country; to carry out analysis of the management and use of the websites; to attend consultations and demands received; to send informative and/or commercial communications related to its services
LegitimisationNeed for data processing for the provision of the service, legal interest and express consent (main legitimisation bases)  
RecipientsParticipation in some initiatives involves the publication of the identification data and image of the person concerned.  
RightsYou can contact Kontseilua for the exercise of your data protection rights at the following address: Martin Ugalde Kultur Parkea, 20140 Andoain (Gipuzkoa), email:; phone: 943 59 12 00  


Privacy Policy – Personal Data Protection

  1. Preamble

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 laying down rules on the protection of natural persons and the free movement of such data with regard to the processing of personal data (“GDPR”) and the Organic Law 3/2018 Reference for the Protection of Personal Data, users are informed of the personal data provided through this website, e-mail or any other means to be incorporated into the body’s treatment systems of the organization (G20620217) Euskararen Gizarte Erakundeen Kontseilua (hereinafter the “Kontseilua”, the “institution” or the “Controller”), who is the Controller.


  1. Legal Bases for Legitimation

The legal bases for the processing of your data, within the framework of the Personal Data Protection legislation, are the consent to the processing of the data (for example, when completing registration forms), the fulfilment of the contract for the provision of the requested services (for example, when requesting membership or browsing our website), the fulfilment of the legal obligations of the controller (for example, communications to the public administrations) and the interest of the processing of the data.

Kontseilua commits itself to the privacy and protection of users’ personal data using all means at its disposal to ensure the security and privacy of the data subjects.


  1. Collection of personal data

Kontseilua does not require that you provide personal data to the user to access its website, however, for the entity to perform a number of functions (online and offline) it will be essential that the user provide personal data.

The Data Controller shall collect personal data in a precise, explicit and legitimate manner according to the purposes, uses, services and/or services collected on his/her website, without in any case being used fraudulent, unfair, illegal or endangering the legitimate rights of the users.

The user shall provide his/her data freely and voluntarily. Kontseilua shall only request the personal information necessary to receive the service requested by the user. The user who places on this website any type of content (data, texts, videos, sound, photographs, graphics, messages or any other material) must indicate and ensure that it does so in accordance with the conditions set out here and with the current legislation.

The user who incorporates personal data from third parties shall indicate that he has the consent of such persons for the publication of the data. If Kontseilua offers a service aimed at minors, it shall request the consent of parents or legal guardians for the collection, processing and, where appropriate, communication of personal data.

The User shall be responsible and responsible for ensuring the accuracy, correctness and veracity of the data provided, as well as, where appropriate, updating them. Kontseilua will bear no responsibility for this. The user will therefore be solely responsible for the damages he or she may cause with the data he or she provides.

The sending of information through this website implies the express acceptance of this privacy policy, the cookie policy and the general conditions of the website.


  1. Purposes of data processing

Kontseilua should collect data to carry out different functions (online and offline). The objectives of these collections are as follows:

  • Partners / Employees / Managers

If you request to become a Member or Collaborator, we inform you that the data you provide to us will be processed by Kontseilua. The objectives of this processing are: to manage your relationship as a collaborator or member of Kontseilua; to meet the queries and requests received; to contact you using different means (e-mail or postal mail, telephone, instant messaging applications, …); to send the information that the organization considers useful and the information on Kontseilua’s activity and to fulfil all the functions that are legally incumbent on Kontseilua. The fact of being a Member or Collaborator implies the acceptance of these treatments.

  • Users / Applicants

If you have contacted Kontseilua, through the forms on the website or through other means, Kontseilua informs you that your data will be processed for the purpose of managing your contributions as a user, contacting you, managing your request and performing all the functions that legally correspond to Kontseilua. They will also be used to send information that may be of interest to you. The data subject, upon registration, grants Kontseilua express consent for the management of his/her data.

  • Participants in initiatives

Activities organised by Kontseilua (conferences, annual reading, etc.) If you participate, we inform you that the information you provide to us will be processed by Kontseilua in order to contact you, to provide you with the requested service correctly, to send you information that may be of interest to you and to carry out all the functions that are legally vested in Kontseilua. The data subject expressly consents to the management of his data to Kontseilua under the conditions set out above when registering.

  • Shoppers (online store)

If you make the purchase in the online store of Kontseilua, we inform you that the data you provide us will be processed by Kontseilua for the proper management of the requested purchase, contact the interested party, send you information that may be of interest to you and perform all the functions that legally correspond to Kontseilua. Your contact details can be communicated to Kontseilua’s direct partners (e.g. other companies involved in the shipment).

  • CV

If you have sent us your resume through the means Kontseilua has on the website, by post, email or other means, you expressly consent to Kontseilua retain your data in Kontseilua’s treatment system. Your data will be used for the personnel selection processes that the organization can perform. Their data may also be communicated to a third company which Kontseilua may contract for the purpose of the selective process.


  1. Links to social networks and web channels

This website can provide links to social networks and external websites and web channels. Kontseilua assumes no responsibility for the linked sites. The user accessing social networks and external websites and webchannels related to Kontseilua through the links located on this website or in any other way, we inform you in advance and expressly that the conditions of use, privacy policies, cookie policies and any other conditions and/or regulations are subject to social networks and/or those responsible for such websites and web channels, never through Kontseilua.


  1. Presence of KONTSEILUA on Social Networks

Kontseilua has profiles in the different Social Networks with the main objective of expanding the services and activities related to the Entity or its activity. Publications offered through these channels shall be indicative.

By registering on the Board’s profiles with the user’s profile on their social networks, you expressly authorize the Entity to process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The information and personal data voluntarily provided by the user through social networks can be used by Kontseilua to contact the user, to meet the user’s queries and requests, to send information and communications related to the Entity or its activity, as well as to manage contests, invitations and similar activities. It will also be used to know the user’s opinion or assessment of Kontseilua and its publications and, in general, to manage their presence on social networks.

Users are informed that information and content published through Kontseilua’s social networks (data, texts, videos, sound, photographs, graphics, comments, messages or other material) may be made available to other users of social networks (including, where appropriate, personal data). The user who uses personal data from third parties is obliged to request consent for the processing of such data. From the configuration of the user profile of each social network, the user can configure the information they want to make public in each case, view, remove or deactivate the permissions granted and manage their publications, according to their criteria and the rules of use of each social network.

User publications shall be governed by current legislation, by the privacy and use rules established by social networks and by Kontseilua’s privacy policy. The user will be solely responsible for this fact. Kontseilua assumes no responsibility for the publications made by each user. Kontseilua shall unilaterally and without prior notice remove content which infringes existing legislation, the rules of use and the privacy policies established or which it considers inappropriate.

Kontseilua follows the profiles of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks, but that does not mean that there is any link with them.

Kontseilua reserves the right not to respond to messages or comments received via this route. Kontseilua may, at any time and without prior notice, amend or delete the publications submitted on its social networks.

By being a follower or by clicking “like” on social networks, you agree: 1) to process your personal data in relation to the privacy policy of the relevant social network; 2) that Kontseilua obtain the data from its contact list; 3) that the news and promotions published by the entity appear in its notices and communications.


  1. Rights of interested parties

You can request the access, rectification, deletion, limitation of the treatment, opposition and portability of your data, as well as revoke your consent and make any other requirement regarding it. To do this, you must send a letter to the Data Controller to the following address: Martin Ugalde Kultur Parkea, 20140 Andoain (Gipuzkoa), phone: 943 59 12 00 or by email

A copy of the National Identity Document of the person concerned shall be accompanied at the request. In the event that the application is made on legal representation, in addition to the copy of the National Identity Document, it shall provide the document certifying that representation.

If you do not agree with the resolution of the request or wish to lodge a complaint, you can contact the competent supervisory authority, in this case the Data Protection Agency (


  1. Security measures

Kontseilua shall take the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data and to prevent its alteration, loss or unauthorized access to the processing of personal data contained in its processing systems. Always taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, both those derived from human activity and those generated by the physical and natural environment. For this purpose, the existing legislation on the protection of personal data shall be taken into account. In any event, users will be informed that IT security measures are not insurmountable and that, therefore, interference or illegal interventions may occur, but would not be the responsibility of Kontseilua.

The User must inform the Controller, as soon as possible, of any incident, breach of safety or any necessary ceiling defect. To make the notification you can use the phone 943 59 12 00 or email


  1. Validity

Kontseilua reserves the right to modify its privacy policy in accordance with its criteria, to legislative or jurisprudential changes. If Kontseilua makes any changes, the new text will be published on the same website and the user will be able to become aware of it immediately. In any case, the relationship with the users shall be governed by the rules provided for when the user accesses the website. Kontseilua therefore recommends that you visit this privacy policy from time to time.


  1. Jurisdiction

The relations established between Kontseilua and the user shall be governed by the provisions of the current rules on the applicable law and the competent jurisdiction. However, in the event that the rules provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a court, Kontseilua and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Donostia-San Sebastián.

In the event of a breach of these conditions by the user or of the misuse of the contents of the website, Kontseilua shall adopt civil and criminal measures, including those of an economic nature, which to this end are imposed by law.