Asamblea General 2024 de ELEN
Red Europea para la Igualdad de las Lenguas
8-10 de noviembre de 2024
Bilbo, Euskal Herria
All conferences will be broadcast live through EITB.eus (in Basque language)
FRIDAY November 8th
Venue: Itsasmuseum
* Interpretation in Basque and English.
Research and Activism
14.25 Recent research on the Basque language.
Welcome words from Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, ELEN President, Davyth Hicks, ELEN Secretary-General, and Idurre Eskisabel, Kontseilua Secretary-General.
14.30 New keys for the interpretation of demolinguistic data.
- Iñaki Iurrebaso (UEMA)
- Moderator: Idurre Eskisabel
15.15 Language use and gender.
- Lorea Agirre (Jakin)
- Dani Amarelo (USC Researcher)
- Moderator: Idurre Eskisabel
16.00 Digitalization and minoritized languages.
- Aitzol Astigarraga (Elhuyar-ORAI Project Coordinator)
- Moderator: Idurre Eskisabel
Project Presentation
16.45 Plurilingmedia – the new COST ACTION PROJECT on language diversity in European media.
- Craig Willis (ECMI)
- Moderator: Elin Jones
17.05 Roundtable discussion: differing approaches to language activism.
- Conchúr Ó Giollagáin (UHI)
- Ciarán Mac Giolla Bhéin (Glór na Móna)
- Elena Jimenez (Omnium Cultural)
- Moderator: Elin Jones
17.30 CLOSE.
SATURDAY November 9th
Venue: Itsasmuseum
* Interpretation in Basque and English.
08.45 Accreditation opens.
09.05 Official Opening and Welcome.
Opening short speeches.
- Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, ELEN President
- Davyth Hicks, ELEN Secretary-General
- Idurre Eskisabel, Kontseilua Secretary-General
- Eider Inunciaga, Bilbao Council
- Leixuri Arrizabalaga, Bizkaia Provincial Council
- Ibone Bengoetxea, Basque Government Vice-President and Spokesperson
09.30 PANEL I: The importance of public policies in the normalization of minoritised languages.
First Panel: The Basque Reality.
- Paul Bilbao, former Secretary-General of Kontseilua and former ELEN Vice-President.
Second Panel: Other national and European perspectives.
- Mirjam Vellinga, Afuk/ ELEN Vice-President, Fryslan.
- Marcos Maceira, A Mesa pola Normalisation Linguistica, Galicia.
- Vesna Crnić–Grotić Council of Europe ECRML Committee of Experts (Croatia).
- Moderator: Davyth Hicks / Elin Jones.
10.20 Plenary Speech: The successful revitalization of Basque in Tolosa
- Kike Amonarriz
- Moderator: Manex Mantxola (coordinator of Kontseilua)
10.50 Group Photo.
11.00 Coffee
11.30 PANEL II: Arnasguneak (Language Breathing Spaces) / High density areas: focus on the Basque Country and Wales.
- Miren Segurola (UEMA coordinator): Arnasguneak (breathing spaces) from a broader perspective.
- Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones and Richard Glyn Roberts, Empowering Communities, Strengthening the Welsh Language, The Commission for Welsh-Speaking Communities Report and BRO: Comprehensive Sociolinguistic Survey of Contemporary Welsh-speaking Communities.