Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua has a professional and committed team which, in addition to carrying out the decisions taken by the Steering Committee, analyses the needs of each moment in terms of language policy in order to design and develop new dynamics. All this is done in collaboration with different entities and institutions.
Idurre Eskisabel Larrañaga
Manex Mantxola Urrate
Mikel Belar Imaz
Financing Manager
Maddi Juanikorena Diaz
Project Manager
Patxi Martin Arregi
Project Manager
Aingeru Mimentza Sanchez
Leire Goñi Iradi
Communication Team
Elixabete Lazkoz Fernandes
Administrative Assistant
Amaia Apaolaza Goena
Administrative Assistant
Jose Jabier Igoa Portu
Own Resources Manager
Koldo Elizetxea Imaz
Promotion Technician
Andoni Sarasola Iarzabal
Promotion Technician
Olatz Telletxea Eguzkitza
Graphic Design Technician